An Introduction

I’m still somewhat new to the ace community, but I want to engage in the conversations that I see the community happening, so I’m here. Since this is an introduction, I’ll introduce you to the people and the blogs that have influenced me – especially along the lines of my Asexual identity.

The Squad: Adrianne, Amy, Maddie – These three helped me through my time of questioning, and have been a huge blessing to me in every way.

A Queer Calling: A great blog, whose ideas about celibacy and vocation are fascinating to me, and whose lived realities are equally fascinating as I think about the relational structures that I want to see in my future. (and who I can’t wait to see at the GCN conference next week!)

The Ace Theist, The Trail We Blaze, The Asexual Agenda, and the Fuckyeahasexual tumblr have all also been significant influences on me.